Traditional Publishing

Literary Agents

Submit agency details

If you run, work for, or know of a literary agency not included in our listings we'd love to know about it!

Use the form below to send us suggestions for a new listing, or to suggest changes to an existing one.

To make sure we can use the information you submit please consult our inclusion policy before continuing by clicking here.

Check listings

Use the following tool to check if the agency you want to suggest is already listed:

Search using a keyword from the name of the agency:

Alternatively, you can browse the index by letter.

Submit details

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. You must also provide at least one type of material handled, a full and accurate description, and at least one valid means of contact for your listing to be accepted (this may be email, telephone, or postal address).

Your personal details

*Your name:
*Your email:
*Your position:
*What would you like to do?

Agency details

*Agency name:
Year founded (if known):
Professional affiliations (if any):

Contact details

State / region:
Post / zip code:


*Material handled:

Types of Material

*Select Categories

Select Subject Areas

*Select Markets

Select Styles

*Policy on submissions:
*Policy on email contact:
Domestic commission (if known):
Foreign commission (if known):
Translation commission (if known):
Dramatic commission (if known):


*General Description:
Use this area to describe the agency generally, including any important points not already covered. This must be a full and accurate description.

Do not include any proper names of people, organisations, websites etc.
Some authors represented by this agency (if known):